It’s lonely running a business!

Something very different and extremely personal. This weekend, me and Mrs S attended an awards ceremony, not to receive an award but to support all our friends and colleagues for all the hard work they have done. The ceremony was part of BNI Kents recognition for the past 12 months. BNI sometimes gets a bad rap and if you listen …

7 Top Tips to a better website

7 TOP TIPS BLOG:These are so important today. You can connect not only visually but also intellectually with your knowledge, experience and own voice. Make sure that your site has plenty of new, relevant content relating to the keywords you want to rank for.

The Crazy Gang

Creativity never gets old, it just goes grey

So in my previous post I dived to the depths of Graphic Design anger when asked to justify my costs. Well that mood has been blown into a new solar system after meeting old grey friends and collaborators I have worked with over the years for a close friends exhibition. Commuting back into Soho the memories started flooding back to …

“it will only take 5minutes”

So like everyone else, January was a mad scramble to make it through without killing my accountant or tax man! Now we are into February, the sun is out and believe it or not the dog is sleeping in the midday sun. I now find myself with a client asking me to justify my costs? Do I have to? Do …

Canvassing opinions

So the age old question raised it’s head again this week, “But i can do that easily on Canva myself!…” It is true you can do it yourself but the other question is should you? As a graphic designer I embrace new technology and ways to make our lives simpler to understand but there are times when too much information …

Target 2023

2023 is on us and we are all feeling a bit bruised in one way or another from yet another tough year. We have a plan to reflect on what worked well last year. Learn from anything that fell short and surround ourselves with creative and positive people who appreciate and push your efforts to greater heights. It sounds like …

Is it time to rebrand?

Many new and established business owners believe that their brand identity is a name and a quick logo made on many of today’s free design websites. To be effective, brand identity is more than just its basic name and logo on a business card. Yet, it’s also true that that a name and business logo are key connectors for a …