Crucial Considerations for Starting Your Business

Embarking on a new business journey is akin to setting sail on a vast ocean, but as any seasoned captain will tell you, a successful voyage requires meticulous planning. When hoisting the sails of a new business in 2024, several key considerations demand your attention. Let’s chart a course through the vital aspects that can make or break your entrepreneurial …

Do you need to be a member of the magic circle?

2023 Was the year many business owners attempted more rabbit-pulling than a magician in a petting zoo! Marketing any business feels like a dark art of smoke and mirrors with algorithms and promises of page one filling everyones inbox. Every failed attempt to conjure up attention was like, “Abracadabra! Nope, nothing, just another rabbit dissapearing down another hole. But here’s …

Just because you say come back later…

The phrase “come back later” holds little promise on any website. Your online presence is akin to a storefront, and just as a shop with the shutters down deters potential customers, a lack of information about your business repels online visitors. Imagine that shop you have been searching for with its shutters down, leaving you in the dark about what’s …

7 Touchpoints

In the wacky world of marketing and graphic design, producing print materials can be as absurd as a clown car at a circus. There are seven touch points that are so quirky, they make the Mad Hatter’s tea party look like a garden-variety gathering. In the zany world of marketing and graphic design, these seven touch points can sometimes feel …

When reality hits home

In the wild world of brand design and marketing, there’s a race that’s as pointless as a three-legged tortoise in the 100m dash. It’s called the “Race to the Bottom,” and it’s about as effective as using a sieve to carry water. Here’s why trying to win this race in marketing, website design, or brand development will only lead to …

The Crucial Role of a Sustainable Marketing Budget for New Businesses

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and start your own business, huh? Congratulations! But before you break out the champagne and confetti, there’s one thing we need to have a heart-to-heart about: your marketing budget. I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as a documentary on paint drying, but trust me, it’s the secret sauce that can …

Brand identity for David Mills Architect

The Importance of a Brand

As a business owner, you should already understand the importance of a strong brand identity. It’s not just about having a memorable logo or catchy slogan, but about creating a louder, unique voice for your brand that will set you apart from your competition. To understand the importance of brand identity, how design impacts it, and the steps to take …

AI or Another Idea

So this week I have been in so many conversaitions about AI that I am biginning to wonder if I took the Red Pill or the Blue Pill? With so many content creators now turning to AI, I am worried we are losing another identity or creativity is dumbing down even further on originality and free thinking. Turning to social …

Spoiler Alert!

It’s a strange world we live in where the process is seen as more important than the finished article. The constant need to know how it’s done and not how does it make you feel is a terrible reflection on how any creative project is viewed today. I have the privelidge of knowing some really amazing artists, all of whom …

Get off to a flyer!

So here we are again!, clients Googling what works and what doesn’t in marketing. They have read somewhere that its all about being #1 on Google Rankings. It’s like self diagnosing an illness online but with a more serious outcome if you like to gamble with your businesses brand trust and loyalty. I have been working with a client on …